Feldenkrais® and ABM-NM® lessons are different from anything else you have ever done and they require you to learn to be with yourself in an entirely new way and to move new ways as well. In this 'Intro series' of movement lessons I will give you a rich experience of the principles and movements that are foundational for Feldenkrais movement lessons.
The Feldenkrais Method is a creative systematic approach to engage with your sensory experience to become more aware of what you do, how you do it and what your possibilities are.
Anybody can do these lessons, with any level of ability or fitness.
Rediscover pleasure in movement!
When: Wednesday 3-4 pm MST, October 13 - November 17, 2021
Where: on Zoom, you just need a device with a camera and a quiet place to lie down
Cost: $90 for all six lessons; audio recordings will be emailed to you after each class or if you miss a class
REGISTER by emailing me at susinn@gmail.com